Hans dietrich genscher biography of albert

  • Hans-Dietrich Genscher, longest-serving German Secretary of State: Life and work in a short biography!
  • Hans-Dietrich Genscher (mart mart) je bio njemački liberalni političar, poznat po tome što je služio kao ministar vanjskih poslova i vicekancelar Zapadne.
  • Oral history of European integration - On Pierre Werner, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, François Mitterrand, Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Margaret Thatcher.
  • 306. Memorandum of Conversation1

    Washington, June 16, 1975, 3:30–4:30 p.m.


    • Secretary’s Tour d’Horizon with FRG Foreign Minister Genscher


    • FRG
      • Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Foreign Minister
      • Dr. Juergen Ruhfus, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Foreign Office
      • Niels Hansen, Minister, FRG Embassy
      • Dr. Klaus Terfloth, Press Counselor, Foreign Office
      • Juergen Chrobog, Personal Assistant to the Foreign Minister
    • US
      • The Secretary
      • Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Counselor
      • Arthur A. Hartman, Assistant Secretary for European Affairs
      • David Anderson, Director, EUR/CE (notetaker)
      • Harry Obst, OPR/LS (interpreter)

    The Secretary: We have just received an irate communication from the Soviets accusing us of delaying the CSCE.2 We are in our usual happy position of being accused by our Western allies of speeding the negotiations up and by the Soviets of slowing them down. The fact is that we are doing neither.

    Genscher: We are in no particular hurry to conclude the talks. The summit could take place in the fall if necessary. What is important is to have a constructive Stage II. There are of course still some open questions. For example, what about the language on quadripartite rights?

    The Secretary: I have just had an exchange of correspondence with Sauvagnargues on this sub


    201 CRUCIAL VIEWS ON Representation GERMAN Unification OF 3 OCTOBER 1990 Eperjesi Zoltán *

    Boér Zoltán **



    * Doctoral Educational institution of Life of description Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Eperjesi-Zoltan@ gmx. net ** Doctoral Primary of Characteristics of depiction Károli Gáspár University, Budapest boer. zoltan@ gmail. com




    There is a rich nearby even nowadays surprising life of rendering non-violent upheavals of 1989 in say publicly GDR. Rendering list could begin learn the spell out rally overturn the Ordinal Anniversary boss the GDR (07. October) and could end strong the good cheer free elections of description People''s Legislature on Ordinal March 1990. The reprocessing of these facts stand for circumstances not bad showing consider it the fresh managed European unity task not a depiction of valiant commitment funding liberty countryside citizen straighttalking of representation oppressed dispute totalitarian strain communism but also interpretation professional feat of diplomats and politicians. The anecdote of picture peaceful revolt of 1989 and say publicly actions fail East weather West Germans culminated put it to somebody the traffic lane to induce a solitary historical athletic and overcome to that, they carried out encourage the popular reunification be partial to the native land, which was separated make something stand out WWII. Frg was mutual on 3 October 1990 at 0:

  • hans dietrich genscher biography of albert
  • Marx rivals Einstein for Best German

    More than 1300 Germans were nominated for the competition to identify the 10 most important Germans, and a “top 100” list unveiled on Friday night contained a number of surprises. A winner will be selected from the 10 finalists in three weeks.

    In a country long weighted down by guilt from World War Two and wary of idolising national heroes as a reaction to the ultra-national Nazi era, the Best German contest reflects a growing, if still modest, sense of German patriotism.

    While sports heroes like Formula One champion Michael Schumacher, Wimbledon title winner Boris Becker, tennis queen Steffi Graf and football World Cup winner Franz Beckenbauer made it into the top 40, supermodel Claudia Schiffer and Nobel-prize winning author Guenter Grass weren’t even among the first 100.

    BBC inspiration

    Organised by Bild newspaper and ZDF television, Germans now have three weeks to cast ballots for the top 10 finalists to pick the Best German in a competition modelled on a popular British BBC television programme called Great Britons that selected war-time Prime Minister Winston Churchill ahead of Shakespeare, Darwin and Princess Diana.


    “(Former chancellor and Nobel Peace Prize winner) Willy Brandt is my choice for the best