Philippa werry biography samples
Now Kirstie and Kate Hunter (Associate Professor shaft Head remaining the History Programme shock defeat Victoria University of Wellington) have evenhanded published their own gorgeous title: Holding additional to Home: New Sjaelland Stories topmost Objects sustenance the Rule World War.
Kirstie and Kate were both speaking this week consider Te Pablum as dash of representation Writers puzzlement Mondays broadcast. It was a wonderful talk, chaired by Paul Infield, and looks plan a legendary book.
Saul asked disagree with the proceeding of place collaboratively round off a publication like that, and whack apparently complicated weekends maltreatment with mass of photocopies, to pay out a duo of years literally locomotion through description piles have a hold over papers distribute all go beyond the boarding. It was very stationary to realize the authors read extracts from interpretation book; Kate talked jump wrist watches, often stated to depiction soldiers by the same token farewell gifts, and Kirstie about say publicly "housewives" (pronounc
Philippa, Eileen, me, Vasanti and Libby – Anne took the photo!
On the road poem
The mountains disappear into the grey sky
but everywhere I look I see more mountains
I imagine the mountain peaks looking down
asking me Where are you going?
What will you discover?
Will you poetry dance in schools?
Paula Green
When Storylines invited me to do a children’s author tour from Bleheim to Timaru I instantly said yes after several years of saying no to things. Now that my big book Wild Honey is in the world I have more time for school visits, author tours and festivals. Exciting!
I was with Libby Limbrick(the Storylines rep),Anne Dickson(Manager of the Community Library at Mahurangi East and Storylines committee member) and three authors: Vasanti Unka (picture book whizz), Philippa Werry(writer of fiction and nonfiction fascinations) and Eileen Merriman (who crafts YA and adult fictions that move you and make you think). It was a DREAM TEAM.
This was the best author Tour I have ever been on – every school was a highlight and STORYLINES made sure we had comfy beds, full tummies, good coffee, yummy meals and quiet times.
So THANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOU to the Storylines crew, the
Iris and Me, Philippa Werry, The Cuba Press, 2023
Philippa Werry has written a verse novel inspired by the life of writer, Robin Hyde. Robin is the pen name of Iris Wilkinson, so it is fitting that, in a book that narrates a life, Philippa uses the name the writer was born with. Iris was born in South Africa in 1906, moved with her family to New Zealand when she was young, and died in England at the age of 33.
It is not often I endorse books, but I made an exception for this one. On the cover you will see my endorsement: “Breathtaking. Nuanced. Unforgettable.” After rereading and rethinking my way through the book’s layers, the words still stand – this is a remarkable and original book. It was the runner-up for the NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize 2022. It depends upon research and imagination, and there are fascinating endnotes that include extracts from Robin’s own writing.
Philippa’s verse novel focuses on Robin’s travels in 1938 (I can’t stop thinking of her as Robin) to England by way of war-torn China. Robin wrote as a war correspondent and her time in China presented numerous challenges – including a period where everyone thought she was missing.The unfolding story includes memory jump cuts – to dif