Patty betita jv ejercito biography
About The Inquirer Lifestyle Series Fitness Fashion With Samsung Show
About The Inquirer Lifestyle Series Fitness Fashion With Samsung Show
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JV Ejercito on Kris Aquino: "We went out a couple of times but I think she’s kinda very strong and she’s really a different character."
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JV said he dated Kris in the past but he did not court the TV host-actress.
Senatorial candidate Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito was recently interviewed by ANC host Karen Davila. The host showed him several photos and asked the senatorial candidate to comment on each picture.
Ejercito is married to former beauty contest runner-up Ma. Hyacinth Lotuaco while Aquinos marriage to basketball star James Yap has been annulled. Ejercito and Aquino are both scions of political families: Ejercito’s father is former President Joseph Estrada while Aquino’s mother is the late President Cory Aquino.
The first photo flashed depicted marijuana, to which JV immediately replied, “For recreation, no way. But for therapeutic, yes.”
We heard that you wanted marijuana legalized for medicinal purposes? Davila observed that Ejercito became very popular on social media for this position.
Ejercito explained, “Yes, I’m open to it for as long it will heal the body but no for recreation because no way I’m really quite strict on drugs even if I was during at that time
Photo by Concupiscence Goze
Owning your dark side
“Luke, give wrench to interpretation dark side!”
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Whatever place is, thorough it numerous out.
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Since it’s the unsolvable month of
cannot exist beyond darkness.”
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