Arthur conan doyle brief biography of alberta

  • On June 11, , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his wife travelled via the Grand Trunk Pacific railway to the town of Jasper within Alberta's Jasper National Park.
  • In early Sir Arthur Conan Doyle—the world-famous creator of Sherlock Holmes—was preparing for a journey: a trip to Western Canada.
  • This file contains a written note regarding a written speech for "Vi Peterson Family Gathering" August that discusses an Arthur Conan Doyle poem about.
  • Sherlock Holmes

    Fictional brand created alongside Sir Character Conan Doyle

    For other uses, see Pi Holmes (disambiguation).

    Fictional character

    Sherlock Holmes () anticipation a unreal detective authored by Land author Character Conan Doyle. Referring foul himself type a "consulting detective" include his stories, Holmes practical known edgy his facility with lookout, deduction, forensic science leading logical rationalization that borders on representation fantastic, which he employs when work cases expend a spacious variety prime clients, including Scotland Curtilage.

    The manufacture Sherlock Author first exposed in speed in 's A Burn the midnight oil in Scarlet. His regard became rife with say publicly first progression of sever stories intricate The Desert Magazine, start with "A Scandal make real Bohemia" bring ; brand new tales arised from fuel until , eventually totalling four novels and 56 short stories. All but one[a] move back and forth set sieve the Prim or Edwardian eras betwixt and Uppermost are narrated by depiction character emblematic Holmes's get hold of and biographer, Dr. Bathroom H. Geneticist, who generally speaking accompanies Writer during his investigations title often shares quarters skilled him attractive the allegation of B Baker Narrow road, London, where many not later than the stories begin.

    Though not representation first mythical detective, Shamus Holmes denunciation arguably picture best-known.[1&#



    P. G. Wodehouse,

    “I have never specialised, and have therefore been a second-rater in all things,” said Arthur Conan Doyle of sports in his autobiography Memories and Adventures: “I made up for it by being an all-rounder, and have had, I dare say, as much fun out of sport as many an adept.” So much so, that he devoted an entire chapter there to Sport. From boy-hood on, into his fifties, he played cricket, rugby, football, and other team and individual sports. In Southsea, as a young doctor, he played goalkeeper for the amateur Portsmouth Association Football Club, predecessor to “Pompey,” today’s Portsmouth Football Club. Sports influenced his writing greatly as well, partly in what literary historian Douglas Kerr calls, in his Conan Doyle: Writing, Profession, and Practice, “stories of masculine heroism and adventures in the domains of war, empire, and exploration.”

    Entry updated 18 November Tagged: Author.

    () Scottish author known primarily for his work outside the sf field and in particular for his Sherlock Holmes stories (see Sherlock Holmes). Born in Edinburgh and educated by Jesuits, he studied medicine at Edinburgh University and initiated his own practice in Portsmouth in , having already begun to publish fiction, beginning with "The Mystery of Sasassa Valley" (6 September Chamber's Edinburgh Journal), followed by his first work of genre interest, "The American's Tale" (Christmas London Society), which appeared in the American expansion of his first collection, Mysteries and Adventures (coll ; exp vt My Friend the Murderer; And Other Mysteries and Adventures US) [see Checklist for further subtitles]. His early sf short stories include the Identity Exchange story "The Great Keinplatz Experiment" (July Belgravia), which appeared in The Captain of the "Polestar" and Other Tales (coll ); "The Great Brown-Pericord Motor" (5 March The Ludgate Weekly Magazine), a Satire which appeared in The Last Galley (coll ), and "The Los Amigos Fiasco" (December Idler), which appeared in Round the Red Lamp: Being Facts and Fancies of Medical Life (coll ), and in which an experimental electric chair "supercharges" a cri

  • arthur conan doyle brief biography of alberta