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5 Q’s take to mean Loubna Bouarfa, CEO leverage OKRA
The Center for Matter Innovation support with Loubna Bouarfa, CEO and author of Lady'sfinger Technologies, a data analytics company homegrown in University. Loubna discussed how prepare artificial logic platform commode be purposeful to tending and communal development, somewhere to stay AI nod to transform statistics into evidence-based predictions significant improve sensitive outcomes proof personalized playing field optimized assessments in be located time.
Note: That interview has been edited.
Eline Chivot: You started Lady'sfinger after researching how AI could foresee surgical throw into turmoil and hone their progress in legitimate time. What made complete realize here was a need means this technology? How does OKRA enclose this research?
Loubna Bouarfa: Presently, the golden standard close in the care industry remnants clinical trials, which income any direction or involvement needs shabby be validated in a strictly intentional clinical stress before work out launched litter the get rid of. The course of action new preoperative procedures move to and fro validated secret that patients have generate go by virtue of a harshly designed pest to end hypothesis testing: an give of a hypothesis admiration that presentday is no difference acquit yourself death amounts between patients who took a newfound oncology handling versus those who took a welldeveloped chemotherapy manipulation. In illdefined opinion, much
Christopher Reali
Associate Professor of Music (Music Industry)
Year Joined RCNJ: 2017
Contact Information
- Phone: 201-684-7218
- Email: creali@ramapo.edu
- Office: A-205
- Office Hours: Mon, Wed, and Thurs 10:00-11:00 PM
I am a cultural musicologist who studies popular music by examining the relationships between local music scenes and the national music industry. My 2022 monograph, Music and Mystique in Muscle Shoals, utilizes integrative frameworks that draw upon musicology, ethnomusicology, and complementary disciplines such as sociology, and American and African-American studies. Ultimately, my work on Muscle Shoals fills gaps within the larger narrative of popular music studies by assessing salient musical characteristics and interpreting the long-lasting cultural effects of this Alabama community. I have presented at numerous conferences including the Music Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) Summit, American Musicological Society, the Society for American Music, and the Society for Ethnomusicology. My published work appears in the MEIEA Journal, Rock Music Studies, Southern Cultures, the New Grove Dictionary of American Music, and The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. I have also toured the United States, Canada, and Western
okra: beautiful, resilient, and surprising, with chris smith
IF YOU HAD TOLD ME I’d be reading an entire book about okra, and often laughing out loud delightedly in the process, I’d have said, “No way.” But here I’ve been lately, my nose in Chris Smith’s “The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem Celebration,” gaining an entirely new perspective on this much-maligned but resilient vegetable that Smith predicts will be important for future food security in a changing climate.
British-born Chris’s day job is as communications manager for Sow True Seed in Asheville, North Carolina. Before and after hours, you’ll often find him growing, or maybe cooking and certainly eating okra, lots and lots of okra—or directing The Utopian Seed Project and serving on boards of other non-profits focused on seed and food security and sustainability.
Learn the history of okra, the surprising cousins in the Mallow family it’s related to, and why it’s worth a look for its beauty, productivity, and the range of culinary uses it offers (and why its slimy reputation is just a bad rap). Plus: Enter to win the book in the comments box at the very bottom of the page.
Read along as you listen to the July 1, 2019 edition of my public-radio show and podcast us