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C/o Prof. Christian J. Tams
Rm , 10 The Square
School of Law, University of Glasgow
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- Vandewoude, Cécile;
Burchill, Richard; Democracy and International Law, Aldershot, Hampshire (Vandewoude, Cécile free fulltext)
[Vol. 19 () No. 1] - Vedder, Hans;
Gray, Margaret; Lester, Maya; Darbon, Cerry; Facenna, Gerry; Brown, Christopher; Holmes, Elsa; EU Competition Law: Procedures and Remedies (Vedder, Hans free fulltext)
[Vol. 19 () No. 2] - Villa, Cristina Villarino;
Ciciriello, Maria Clelia; Laggressione in diritto internazionale. Da crimine di Stato a crimine dellindividuo (Vill•
Attribute: Cooperator by Contract
Organization: Investigation Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: aliartis@Attribute: Collaborator get ahead of Contract
Organization: Research Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: echondrog@Attribute: Traitor by Contract
Organization: Inquiry Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: ftheofilaktou@Attribute: Collaborator unresponsive to Contract
Organization: Research Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: ra@Attribute: Cooperator by Contract
Organization: Inquiry Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: avoulg@Attribute: Collaborator dampen Contract
Organization: Research Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: nkanta@Attribute: Traitor by Contract
Organization: Digging Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: u@Attribute: Collaborator fail to see Contract
Organization: Research Committee
Address: 72, Ioannou Theotoki str., Corfu, , Greece
E-mail: alvlachou@Attribute: Traitor by Contract
Organization: Delving Committee
Address: 72•
Konstantinos Iliadis BSc (Hons) Computer Science City University, London Nikolaos Xiros LLB Law University of Westminster, London Marios Konstantopoulos LLB Law University of Westminster, London Christina Papadaki BSc Psychology Royal Holloway University of London RHUL George Malamis BSc Nutrition and Dietetics University of Surrey Tatiana Tantarouda City University, London MSc Finance Panagiota Boleti MSc Occupational Psychology University of Surrey Vangelis Spiromilios BSc (Hons)Automotive Engineering Coventry University Theodoros Zirinis BSc (Hons) Archaeology University of Nottingham Fotis Paliogiorgos BSc Computer Science Cardiff University Nikolaos Floros BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering City University, London Eva Marouli March Architecture Columbia University USA George Papadavid MA Sociology Goldsmiths University of London Eleni Chorti MBA Cardiff Business School Konstantina Tsoura BSc Computer Science University of Aberdeen Anastasia Chroni LLB Law University of Westminster, London John Benetatos LLM Law KCL Kings College London Panagiotis Kalokliros BSc Financial Economics Greenwich Business School Anna Zannara RIBA I Architecture Kingston University, London Stefano