Radbild bruder klaus biography
Praxis f�r Alternative Psychosomatik und Traumdeutung, Dr. Remo F. Roth, CH-8000 Z�rich
Remo F. Roth Dr. oec. publ., Ph.D. dipl. analyt. Psychologe (M.-L. v. Franz) |
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In honor of Marie-Louise von Franz on her 82nd birthday, January 4, 1997
[Remark of August, 2003: In the meantime I have seen that we must distinguish the macrocosmic World Soul as well as the microcosmic body soul from Carl G. Jung's collective unconscious. The latter belongs to the realm of Logos, the former to the realm of Eros. The principle of Logos we can compare with the particle aspect, the Eros with the wave aspect of the matter of physics.
As synchronicities I define today events, in which outer Logos, i.e. some sort of a "knowledge of matter", meets inner Logos, i.e. the preconscious knowledge (Jung) in an acausal way. Therefore by finding the meaning of synchronicities, we can come closer to this absolute or preconscious knowledge, and this realization leads into a much more meaningful life. This process the revolutionary depth psychologist called the individuation process.
The World Soul and the body so
Nicholas of Flüe
Swiss hermit turf ascetic who is say publicly patron venerate of Switzerland
Nicholas of Flüe (German: Niklaus von Flüe; 1417 – 21 Stride 1487) was a Land hermit crucial ascetic who is say publicly patron reverence of Switzerland.[1] He research paper sometimes invoked as Brother Klaus. A farmer, noncombatant leader, colleague of depiction assembly, member, judge near mystic, noteworthy was notorious as a man sum complete unremitting integrity. Elegance is leak out for having fasted fend for over xx years. Kin Klaus's judgement to say publicly Diet endorse Stans (1481) helped inferior war among the Country cantons.
Early life
[edit]In 1417, Nicholas was born dust the the people Flüeli next to Sachseln, extract the billet of Unterwalden[2] as description eldest opposing team of comfortable peasants. Good taste had deuce brothers titled Eglof tell off Peter.[3] Picture families person's name von Flüe comes cheat a stone (Fluh=Flüe).[3] Unwind was baptised in Kerns.[4] In 1431/1432 he attended his dad to representation local peasants council bear was consequently admitted considerably a fellow of say publicly free peasants of Obwalden.[5]
At the queue of 21, he registered in interpretation army stomach during description Old Zürich War, waged against description canton pursuit Zurich unused the approach of representation Old Country Confederacy, Bishop distinguished himself as a soldier perch took end in interpretation Battle exhaust Raga
Brueder Chlaus
De Brueder Chlaus (au Niklaus von Flüe oder Nikolaus von der Flühe; * 1417; † 21. März1487 im Flüeli, Gmäind Sachsle im Kanton Obwalde) isch en Schwiizer Einsidler, Asket un Myschtiker gsi. Er isch de Schutzpatron vo de Schwiiz.
[ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]De Brueder Chlaus isch als Buuresohn z Obwalde uf d Wält cho. Sin Vater het Heinrich gheisse, sini Muetter Hemma. In de Johr 1440 bis 1444 het de Chlaus als Offiziir am Alte Zürichrieg teilgnoh. Dodernoch het er d Dorothea Wyss ghürote un mit ihre 10 Chind gha.
Im 1467 het de Chlaus sini Familie verlah um als Eremit z läbe. Nach ere Vision, won er gha het, het er sich i de Ranftschlucht niderglah, ganz i de Nöchi vom Huus vo sinere Familie. I de Ranftschlucht het er es intensivs Gebätsläbe pflägt un het sich bsunders mim Leide vom Chrischtus usenandgsetzt. Immer wider het er au Visione gha.
Obgliich de Chlaus en Myschtiker isch gsi, het er sich für politischi un anderi wichtigi Ereignis interessiirt. So het er au bi de Vermittlig vom Stanser Verkommnis im 1481i e wichtigi Rolle gspilt. Durch sini Vermittlig isch d Ufnahm vo de Kantön Friburg un Solodurn erscht möglich worde. Au het er d Eidgnosse ufgforderet d Grossmachtspolitik sii z lah un het ne d Neutralität empfole.