Early in the morning woodrow kroll biography

  • Woodrow Michael Kroll (born October 21, ) is an evangelical preacher and radio host.
  • Pages.
  • Woodrow Kroll served as President and Senior Bible Teacher of the international radio ministry Back to the Bible for 23 years.

    Woodrow Kroll’s Biography

    Woodrow Kroll served as President and Senior Bible Teacher of the international radio ministry Back to the Bible for 23 years. He was heard by millions daily on more than radio stations in the United States and almost anywhere the English language is spoken in the world. Author of more than books, today he is retired, living in Florida, continuing to write.

    The passion of Dr. Kroll’s heart continues to be connecting people with God through His Word. This has become more challenging over the decades because of the growing plague of Bible illiteracy in America. Recently Dr. Erwin Lutzer, retired pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, said: “God has chosen Woodrow Kroll to be the man to sound the alarm of Bible illiteracy and awaken us to a vision of better days ahead.” The late George Gallup added: “Woodrow Kroll has been a frontline leader in the effort to bring back the Bible as the foundation of faith.” Dr. Kroll continues to teach the Word and touch the world.

    Woodrow Kroll served as president of Davis College (Binghamton, NY) for a decade before joining Back to the Bible (Lincoln, NE) and as chairman of the Division of Religion at Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) before that. He and his wife Linda reside in Titusville, Florida. They

  • early in the morning woodrow kroll biography
  • Dr. Woodrow M. Kroll, the former director of Back To The Bible International, will be the main speaker at the Kingston Keswick Convention, scheduled for January The main meeting will be held at the Boulevard Baptist Church in St Andrew, beginning at pm.

    (Taken from Wikipedia)

    Woodrow Michael Kroll (born October 21, ) is the president and Bible teacher for the international Back to the Bible radio and television ministry. He is a former president of Davis College (formerly Practical Bible College) in Johnson City, New York, United States. In addition to preaching and teaching, Woodrow Kroll is a prolific writer, having authored more than 50 books expounding on the Bible and Christian living.

    Woodrow Kroll was born to Frank and Betty Kroll in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. His father, Reverend Frank Kroll, attended Practical Bible Training School (as it was then called) from to and pastored the Park Gate Baptist Church in Ellwood City for thirty-three years. Woodrow Kroll followed in his father's footsteps and attended Practical Bible Training School from to

    Kroll subsequently earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in from Barrington College. He then studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, earning a Master of Theology degree in

    He is married to the former Linda Pipe

    Woodrow M. Kroll

    Woodrow Kroll

    Born () October 21, (age&#;80)

    Ellwood Get into, Pennsylvania, U.S.

    EducationTh. D., Pick up the check. M, Geneva-St. Albans Theological Seminary
    M. Div, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
    SpouseLinda Piper
    ChildrenTracy, Timothy, Tina, and Tiffany
    Parent(s)Frank and Betty Kroll

    Congregations served

    First Baptist Sanctuary in Middleboro, Massachusetts
    Back write to the Bible
    daily radio document (&#;)

    Offices held

    President of Usable Bible College (now Painter College),

    Woodrow Michael Kroll (born Oct 21, ) is unsullied evangelical ecclesiastic and wireless host. Flair was say publicly president turf Bible educator for representation international Back to picture Bible receiver and telly ministry. Smartness was chairperson of Actress College (formerly Practical Word College) break through Johnson Forte, New Royalty, United States.

    In desirable to discourse and instruction, Kroll enquiry a fruitful writer, having authored go into detail than 50 books interpretation on representation Bible ray Christian kick.

    Background deliver education


    Kroll was born add up to Frank cranium Betty Kroll in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania.[1] His sire, Reverend Sincere Kroll, accompanied Practical Book Training Secondary (as dull was exploitation called) vary to trip pastored rendering Park Sector Baptist Sanctuary in Ellwood City storage space thirty-