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Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of – in Indonesia ,
Table of contents :
1. Unarmed Fortresses: The Army and the PKI’s Rival Struggles for Hegemony during Guided Democracy
2. Mental Operations: The Army’s Propaganda after October 1,
3. Tortured Words: Interrogations and the Production of Truth
4. Surprise Attacks: The Destruction of the PKI in Surakarta
5. Vanishing Points: Disappearances in Bali
6. Invisible Worlds: The Kapal Massacre in Bali
7. Dead Labor: Disappearances in Sumatra
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Bu r i e d H i s t o r i e s
C r i tic a l H u m a n R i g h t s Ser ies Edit ors
S cott S traus T Ty rell H a be rko rn Steve J. Stern, E d i t o r E m er it u s
Books in the series Critical Human Rights emphasize research that opens new ways to think about and understand human r ights. The series values in par ticular empirically grounded and intellectually open research that eschews simplified accounts of human rights events and processes.
Across the Indonesian archipelago during the long months of –66, supporters of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) were hunted down, arrested, detained
Southeast Asia on Screen: From Independence to Financial Crisis ()
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Southeast Asia on Screen
Asian Visual Cultures This series focuses on visual cultures that are produced, distributed and consumed in Asia and by Asian communities worldwide. Visual cultures have been implicated in creative policies of the state and in global cultural networks (such as the art world, film festivals and the Internet), particularly since the emergence of digital technologies. Asia is home to some of the major film, television and video industries in the world, while Asian contemporary artists are selling their works for record prices at the international art markets. Visual communication and innovation is also thriving in transnational networks and communities at the grass-roots level. Asian Visual Cultures seeks to explore how the texts and contexts of Asian visual cultures shape, express and negotiate new forms of creativity, subjectivity and cultural politics. It specifically aims to probe into the political, commercial and digital contexts in which visual cultures emerge and circulate, and to trace the potential of these cultures for political or social critique. It welcomes scholarly monographs and edited volumes in English by both established and early-career resea