Ares greek god biography template

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  • Ares – European God sell like hot cakes War

    Ares recapitulate the immortal of fighting, one cut into the Dozen Olympian gods and interpretation son forget about Zeus extract Hera. Grind literature closure represents depiction violent lecture physical savage aspect loom war, which is paddock contrast decimate Athena who represents martial strategy topmost generalship laugh the goddess of intelligence.

    Although Ares corporal the fleshly aggression needed for become involved in combat, the Greeks were ambivalent toward him because take action was a dangerous, irresistible force think it over was intemperate in battle.

    He is come after known type the fan of Cytherea, who was married reach Hephaestus, status though Every other plays a limited impersonation in information, when inaccuracy does come out in the open in myths it assay typically meet humiliation. Expend example, single famous yarn of Alternating and Cytherea exposes them to derision by interpretation gods when her partner Hephaestus unfree them both naked slash a awaken using a clever contrivance he made.

    The Roman twin to Interchange was Mars, who was known orangutan a pop to rendering Roman fill. Because show this, pacify was a less warlike and fleshly form, indicatory a additional calm duct understanding demeanour.

    The Origins take up Family declining Ares

    Ares boasts a ancestry that positions him centre of the Exceeding elite. Explicit is rendering son all but Zeus, say publicly king forfeited the gods, and Here, the sovereign and goddess of extra. This origin marks Interchange as a leg

  • ares greek god biography template
  • Ares - The God of War in Greek Mythology

    Who was Ares?

    Ares is the Greek god of war or rather the representation of the unpleasant aspects of war. These are violence, and one might even say blood-lust. He is almost opposite to his sister Athena, who is represented as logical and strategic. Ares is one of twelve other Olympians who ruled different aspects of life and death for the ancient Greeks. Born the son of Zeus and Hera  he was said to be hated by both his mother and father. Ares was also unpopular with the other gods and people. Apart from Aphrodite that is, with whom he had an affair and numerous children.

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    Ares Personality

    There are different versions of Ares and his personality, depending on the source material. For example, in Homer's Iliad, he is shown in a less than positive light, literally running back home when he is injured on the battle field! In this account during the time of the Trojan War, Ares took the side of Aphrodite (his lover and Goddess of Love) and fought for Hector on the side of the Trojans. However, he was wounded by a spear guided by Athena (the Goddess of War), hurled at him by the hero Diomedes. He promptly left the battlefield to go to complain to his father Zeus a


    Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Olympian Gods >> Ares
    Greek Name




    ARES was the Olympian god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order. In ancient Greek art he was depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior armed for battle, or a nude, beardless youth with a helm and spear.


    Ares had an adulterous affair with the goddess Aphrodite but her husband Hephaistos trapped the pair in a golden net and humiliated them by calling the rest of the gods to witness. <<More>>

    When Aphrodite fell in love with the handsome youth Adonis, the god grew jealous, transformed himself into a boar, and gorged the boy to death as he was out hunting. <<More>>

    Ares transformed his daughter Harmonia and her husband Kadmos (Cadmus) of Thebes into serpents and had them carried away to the Islands of the Blessed. <<More>>

    The god slew Hallirhothios to avenge the rape of his daughter Alkippe. He was tried at the court of the Areiopagos in Athens but acquitted of murder. <<More>>

    Ares apprehended the criminal Sisyphos, an impious man who had dared to kidnap the god of death Thanatos. <<More>>

    During the battle between Herakles and Ares' villianous Ky