Al syifa karya ibnu sina biography
Biography Ibnu Sina
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Ibn Sina is a Muslim scientist who is world is a scientist with clever ideas underlying modern medical is widely known as the "Father of Modern Medicine."George Sarton called it "The Most Famous Scientist of Islam and One Of The Most Famous In All Fields Place, and Time".He was born in the golden age of Islamic civilization, so he called the Islam world leaders. Ibn Sina was also a prolific writer, most of his work discusses the philosophy and is the only major philosophy in Islam who managed to build a system of philosophy that is complete and detailed, a system that has dominated the philosophical traditions of Muslims until several most famous works are The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine, also known as the Qanun used as a reference in the field of medicine for centuries. The biography of Ibn Sina Ibn Sina's full name Abū 'Ali al-Husayn ibn' Abdullah ibn Sina was born in AD in Afsyahnah area near Bukhara, now territory of Uzbekistan (then Persia).He came from a bermadzhab Ismailis are already familiar with the discussion of scientific especially one delivered by his parents were a high official in the dynasty grew up in Bukharaja and studied the philosophy and religious sciences of Islam. When he was 10 years old a lot o
Ibnu Sina
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Kanun Perubatan
Kanun PerubatanArab: القانون في الطبAl-Qanun fi al-Tibb; Bahasa Parsi: قانون در طب Ghānoon dár tèb; (Bahasa Inggeris: The Canon of Medicine; Bahasa Latin: Canon Medicinae; Bahasa Cina: 回回藥方 / 回回药方 Huíhui Yàofāng "Preskripsi Bangsa Hui")[1][2] ialah sebuah ensiklopedia perubatan yang dikarang oleh cendekiawan Islam, ahli sains dan falsafah, dan doktor berbangsa Parsi, Ibnu Sina ("Avicenna"). Kitab agung ini diselesaikan pada tahun M.[3]
Kitab ini menggabungkan pengalaman peribadi Ibnu Sina, perubatan Islam pada Zaman Pertengahan, penulisan doktor Rom KunoGalen,[4]doktor Ayurveda India dan perubatan Parsi kuno,[5] dengan tambahan aspek materia medika negeri China.[6] Kitab Kanun Perubatan dikarang dalam bahasa Arab dan kemudian di diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa lain, termasuk bahasa Parsi, Latin, Cina, Ibrani, Jerman, Perancis dan Inggeris.[7]Kanun dianggap salah satu buku termasyhur dalam sejarah perubatan.[8]
Juga dikenali dengan nama sengkatan Kanun ataupun Qanun (yang bermaksud "hukum" dalam bahasa Arab dan Parsi), Kanun Perubatan kekal berwibawa dalam bidang perubatan sehingga kurun ke M.[9] dan awal kurun ke[10]