Where did peter durand diego
Mary M. Forbes Author
In a Frenchman, Nicolas Appert pioneered the process of canning food. He applied heat to food in sealed glass bottles. In Peter Durand -based on Apperts methods, packaging of food in airtight tin-plated wrought-iron cans were patented.
It wasnt until , the American Can Company was founded and produced canned goods in tin cans.
When researching, especially in western North America it is important to know when grocery stores were in the places your write about to even sell canned goods. It probably wouldnt be earlier than the s. But our ancestors obviously did Apperts method, long before they could purchase canned products in any store. So home-canned goods could have been produced in the west by the s.
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Durand of Huesca
Spanish theologian (c – )
Durand of Huesca (c. – ) was a Spanish Waldensian, who converted in to Catholicism.
Durand had been a disciple of Peter Waldo, who had been excommunicated in [1] Around the early s, Durand wrote Liber Antihaeresis against the Cathars, which is considered perhaps the best primary source on early Waldensian thought.
In , a religious conference was held between Catholics and Waldenses at Pamiers. Participating in the conference were Bishop Fulk of Toulouse, Bishop Navarrus of Couserans, and mentor of Dominic of Caleruega, Diego de Acebo Bishop of Osma.[3] Shortly thereafter Durand and several other Waldenses returned to the Church. [4] Durand's decision to return to the Catholic Church was based on an interest in defending the sacraments and the Incarnation against what he saw as a dualist heresy.[5]
In , they organized themselves into the religious community of the Poor Catholics for the conversion of Waldenses. Pope Innocent III granted formal approval in and Durand was elected prior.[3]