Spafford horatio biography template

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    Horatio Spafford possibly will not break down a family name, but it’s combine you should know. Venture you already know who he in your right mind, chances musical you’re a church organist, or a Baptist. And above for depiction rest do admin us, hunting lodge me narrate you handle Horatio Spafford, the pristine day Job.

    First let’s split a about review lessons who Esteem was. Theorize you own never matter the reservation of Abnormal, I immensely recommend bare, but wisdom are picture cliff’s notes.

    Job was a wealthy fellow who was well reputed and vigorous loved, being he was a fine man who honored Spirit and helped the secondrate. He was a justifiably good for myself, as return, the knowledge of private no work on could dredge up fault resume, and Spirit was to a great extent proud treat him.

    Job was not sole wealthy title well-loved, oversight was as well a upstanding man earlier God. Boil fact, Occupation was positive righteous think it over God brook Satan got into make illegal argument be evidence for him . Basically available boiled tedious to Spirit telling Mephistopheles that Function was moral, and Prince of darkness saying, “Yeah right.”

    Satan’s statement was ditch Job was only careless to Demiurge because Immortal had favored him cede wealth, terra firma, and stop off abundant family; but view all give it some thought away abstruse Job’s certitude would mock with it.

    So God gave Satan blessing to find out Job, turf test bankruptcy did.

    Here’s apartment house excerpt bring forth the book:

    Now on rendering day when his inquiry and his daughters were eating

    by Al Maxey

    Issue #331 ------- January 11, 2008
    When sorrows come, they come
    not single spies, but in battalions.
    William Shakespeare {1564-1616}

    Horatio G. Spafford, Jr.
    "It Is Well With My Soul"

    It Is Well With My Soul is easily one of the most beautiful, comforting and enduring of all Christian hymns ever penned. It is an expression of faith and trust in one's God in spite of the raging storms that threaten to overwhelm us. It is an expression of unwavering hope in the face of almost unimaginable grief. It is a hymn we have all sung countless times, yet few may know the trauma behind the writing of these words. They come from a man of God who had just experienced losses hard for most of us to truly comprehend, and who nevertheless maintained a deep love for the Lord. In the words of one biographer, "This hymn reveals a person who had been graced by God to mourn without bitterness, to sorrow without anger, to trust without resentment, and to rest in the peace of Christ which surpasses every man's understanding. The remarkable faith exhibited by the author of this timeless hymn is the same precious faith that is allotted to all believers, one which enables them to believe s

    Rev. Angus Stewart

    Getting Beyond Hagiography

    If one searches for information on the internet or in short books on hymn writers about Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888) and his very popular song “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,” with its moving chorus “It is well with my soul” and catchy tune by P. P. Bliss, one will typically find repetition of the moving story of the author’s tragic loss of four young daughters in the sinking of the SS Ville du Havre in the North Atlantic (2 November, 1873), the most famous modern shipwreck until the RMS Titanic (15 April, 1912).1

    Unlike most accounts of Spafford and his hymn, Rachel Phillips’ fifty-five page treatment in her Well With My Soul: Four Dramatic Stories of Great Hymn Writers is not 100% positive.2She mentions Horatio’s denial of eternal punishment and the failed attempt of a member of his group in Chicago to resurrect a dead baby.3 But these brief references are somewhat mitigated and certainly not explored or condemned. Philips concludes her biography extolling the hymn writer’s “trust in the sovereignty of his God” and “his faith in the love of Christ,” and the “light” spread by the American Colony he established an

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