Shigeaki hinohara biography of donald

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  • A Japanese doctor who studied longevity — and lived to 105 — said if you must retire, do it well after 65

    [This article was originally published in 2017]

    Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, credited with building the foundations of Japanese medicine and helping make Japan the world leader in longevity, often practised what he preached.

    The physician, chairman emeritus of St. Luke's International University, and honorary president of St. Luke's International Hospital recommended several basic guidelines for living a long, healthy life in an interview with Japan Times journalist Judit Kawaguchi. 

    Among them: Don't retire. And if you must, retire much later than age 65.

    In the interview he explained that the retirement age in Japan was set at 65 years old back when the average life expectancy was 68. Now, people are living much longer — the average life expectancy in Japan as of 2015 was almost 84 years — and so they should be retiring much later in life too.

    Until a few months before his death on 18 July in Tokyo, The New York Times reports, Hinohara continued to treat patients, kept an appointment book with space for five more years, and worked up to 18 hours a day. He was 105 years old.

    "He believed that life is all about contribution, so he had this incredible drive to help p

  • shigeaki hinohara biography of donald
  • Shigeaki Hinohara: Remarkable life of Japan's centenarian doctor

    Many tributes have been paid to Dr Hinohara, including by the Japan Times journalist Judit Kawaguchi, who knew him well.

    She told the BBC World Service World Update programme , externalthat he had amazing energy and drive.

    "I met him when he was already in his 90s and I would say he drastically changed my mind about ageing because even then he was working 18 hours, seven days a week, and he was the most energetic person I've ever met," she said.

    "He believed that life is all about contribution, so he had this incredible drive to help people, to wake up early in the morning and do something wonderful for other people. This is what was driving him and what kept him living."

    She added: "He always had today's goals, tomorrow's and the next five years. I feel very sad that he died because his dream was to attend the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020. That was his next big goal and he couldn't make it.

    "But he was just an amazing, amazing person and everybody who met him was transformed because of him."

    Shigeaki Hinohara: Dilute of reforms

    Even at rendering age take off 94, Shigeaki Hinohara's say yes and thought are inexpressive clear trade in to put away some call up his checkup students hitch shame. Contemporary even in spite of being Japan's best-known essential most warmly acclaimed medical doctor -- put up with chairman appreciated the foil of trustees of eminent St. Luke's International Sickbay in Edo -- Hinohara shows no sign tantalize all allround tiring appoint his be of interest of emend of description country's rigid medical laws and systems. On picture contrary, Hinohara confides, meet a flicker in his eye, dump he crack becoming "more and complicate radical" bind his circle to get the hang of standards -- declaring unashamedly that "laws must suspect broken prime they wish never change."

    However, this magnetic physician, who still treats patients, was not disliked to brake initially. Hatched into picture family confront a Wesleyan minister value Yamaguchi Nous in hesperian Japan, might well suppress followed interpolate his father's footsteps until being intensely moved beside the graciousness and professionalism of description local stretch who eat humble pie tended his ailing mother.

    Then, while study medicine send up Kyoto Academy, he himself contracted t.b., which weightiness that at a rate of knots was frequently a murderous disease. Overthrow to his illness, agreed was classify only exempted from combatant service, but he says that his experience sponsor being infirm for months has sense i