Sample of childrens literature websites

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  • Early Children’s Literature Samples

    Box/FolderDescription1/1Finding Aid1/2Bilder-Lust für Knaben und Mädchen (Pictures for Boys and Girls); published by Wilhelm Nitzschke (Stuttgart); in German 1/3The Blind Man’s Friend and Other Tales; published by the Hudson Book Company (Hudson, OH); 1855 1/4Bright Thoughts for Little Ones; published by McLoughlin Bros. (New York City); 1883 1/5Buffon’s Natural History of Beasts; published by C. Campbell (Edinburgh) 1/6The Celebrated History of the Renowned Robin Hood; published by Archibald Paterson (Glasgow) 1/7The Child’s Wreath of Poetry1/8Cock Robin; published by John Evans (London) 1/9Comical Budget of Fun and Frolic; published by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. (London) 1/10An Essay on Man in Four Epistles; published by Mori Brown (Leicester, England); 1823 1/11La Fin de l’age d’or (The End of the Golden Age); published by Librairie Hachette (Paris); in French 1/12The Golden Bird; published by A. Park (London) 1/13Good Comrades; published by McLouglin Bros. (New York City); 1905 1/14The History of Goody Two Shoes; published by John Newbury for The Bible and Sun; 1766* 1/15History of Israelites in the Wildrens

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  • sample of childrens literature websites
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