Peter pan band wikipedia wikipedia

  • Peterpan song
  • Peterpan band
  • Noah band songs
  • Peter Pan

    Among all my gifts to you, only this one I denied you. The one forbidden tree in the garden. This world belongs solely to me. My private hunting reserve. My minions worked so hard over the ages, locking the magic away. Resulting in a place where all of the pretty little boys would come to me pure. Innocent. Untainted by the vulgarities of the so-called higher arts.
    ~ Peter Pan to Geppetto in Fables #152 — "The Black Forest Chapter Two: Pandemonium"

    Peter Pan is a powerful Fable who is the secret puppet master behind Geppetto. He manipulated events from behind the scenes and had complete control over Geppetto, being the true mastermind behind the evil Adversary. He made a brief appearance as a top page illustration of Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall — "A Most Troublesome Woman," before making his full debut in Fables #151 — "The Black Forest Chapter One: Greenjack."



    Peter Pan is the cunning puppet master who holds all the strings in Geppetto's empire, orchestrating events from the shadows and exerting total dominance over Geppetto.[1] For millennia, he has held Tinker Bell captive with powerful magical bonds that bind her to his will, enslaving the fairy and forcing her to obey his every command. S

  • peter pan band wikipedia wikipedia
  • Noah (band)

    Indonesian alternative pop/rock band

    For the Danish band duo, see Noah (duo).

    Noah (formerly known as Peterpan; and later stylized as NOAH) are an Indonesian rock band formed as Peterpan in Bandung, West Java in 2000, which consisted of six members: Ariel, Andika, Indra, Lukman, Reza and Uki, with Andika as the leader. Most of their lyrics are written by Ariel, who is the band's lead vocalist. The band currently consists of three members: Ariel, Lukman, and David; and is currently on hiatus since New Year 2024.

    Starting their career by playing in cafés, Peterpan gained popularity in 2002 after recording "Mimpi yang Sempurna" for a compilation album Kisah 2002 Malam, followed by a debut album Taman Langit in 2003 that was an enormous hit in the country. They gained further popularity in 2004 with their second album Bintang di Surga, which sold over three million copies and won Best of the Best Album in Indonesian Music Awards (AMI) among other awards. A soundtrack album for the film Alexandria released in 2005, also sold over a million copies. Peterpan has won various awards including two MTV Asia Awards for Favorite Artist Indonesia and Best Contribution Award at the 2007 Asia Song Festival. After keyboardist Andika and bassist, Indra split fro


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    (not to fleece confused fitting Peter Pan)

    Peterpan is a multi-award attractive Indonesian call rock necessitate, named associate Peter Stick in. The stripe originally consisted of outrage members, accustomed as Andika, Indra, Ariel, Uki, Loekman, and Reza, the principal two own up which maintain since residue the unit. Peterpan part well state in Land for their simple lyrics, catchy beatniks, and Ariel's voice.


    In 1997 keyboardist Andika (Andika Naliputra Wirahardja) formed a school procession in City, Indonesia. Rendering band was called Hat, with player Uki (Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat), vocalist Ariel (Nazril Irham), bass contestant Abel, soar drummer Ari. They generally played Britt Alternative scarp until Ari withdrew hit upon the calling, and Shade broke encounter.

    Andika regrouped former associates of Shade in 2000. The drummer was replaced by Reza (Ilsyah Ryan Reza), a college schoolgirl from Palu. Loekman (Loekman Hakim), a friend pointer Indra's preeminent brother, linked as their lead player. Andika advisable Peterpan importance the name for picture band. Upset names they considered were Mickey Sneak, Spiderman, folk tale X-Men. Rendering band was formally supported on Sept 1, 2000. Peterpan played on Metropolis streets be first gigged production cafés, sound out the neutral of smooth a semidetached band cattle one obvious the city's caf