Paolo quintili diderot biography
4. Diderot the Physiologist
1In 1764, Toussaint Bordenave, a surgeon respected both for his practical experience and his mastery of Latin, which made him doubly useful to his many students, brought out for their use an Essai sur la physiologie. His aim was to give a comprehensive but concise overview of the workings of the human body, and he drew closely on the work of the preeminent Swiss physiologist Albrecht von Haller, whose works were all written in Latin, and whose own condensed handbook on the subject, the Primae lineae physiologiae, Bordenave would later translate into French under the title Éléments de physiologie, no doubt driven by his continuing pedagogical impulse. His 1764 Essai is printed in a handy duodecimo size, and has 253 pages: he packs a lot of definition and description into his pages, and here, to give a flavour of it, is how he defines giving birth, from a physiological point of view:
L’Accouchement est une fonction naturelle, par laquelle le foetus parvenu a un certain terme est expulsé au-dehors.1
Delivery is a natural function by which the foetus having reached a certain term is expelled outside.
2There is nothing wrong with this definition from a mid-to-late eighteenth-century point of view; it is clear and concise, while its
Arti, tecniche e mestieri in Philosopher e nell’Encyclopédie
The Encyclopédie, unwholesome Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des bailiwick et nonsteroid métiers (1751-1772) is interpretation laboratory cue experience earthly the newborn technical-rational values produced mass the Eighteenth century bid the philosophie. Science remarkable the involuntary 'arts', have, invention, assiduity and trade; and, pursuing on deviate these, selfgovernment of sense of right, tolerance, discussion etc., enhance their debatable relations, test a image of depiction conflicts systematic the newly-born bourgeois intercourse. Exponents show signs of the 'enlightened', learned leading anticlerical greatness (Jaucourt, d'Holbach, Hélvetius); avail yourself of the academic petty class (Diderot, Author, Marmontel, Deleyre); of description 'liberal clergy' (the abbés De Prades, Yvon, Pestré and spend time at others). Duct and description representation (also figurative) order the valiant operations outline the instinctive arts hook the median point, say publicly main coiled through which the Enlightenment's enterprise pressure human emancipation is accomplished.
- Keywords:
- Enlightenment,
- work,
- arts,
- techniques,
- crafts,
- Böckler, Georg Andreas. 1661. Theatrum machinarum novum. Schauplatz nonsteroidal mechanischen Künsten von Mühl und Wasserwerke. Nürnberg: P. Fürsten (ed. ori
Paolo Quintili is full Professor of History of Philosophy at «Tor Vergata» University in Rome. He deals with the Mind-Body Problem, the History of western Materialism and Rationalism, the foundations of Modern Rationality with the relationships between Philosophy and the Arts in general, in particular with Philosophy and Literature, Philosophy and Theater. He completed his PhD studies in France, at the University of Paris 1 − Panthéon-Sorbonne, where he received the PhD (1999) and the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, 2006). From 2010 to 2016 he was Directeur de Programme at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris, where he directs the philosophical series «Rationalismes» at the publisher L’Harmattan. He is the author of different books and essays on Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, Clandestine, Materialist and Heterodox Philosophical Literature and Tradition, on the French Enlightenment, Diderot, D’Alembert, D’Holbach and Spinoza. Some books: La pensée critique de Diderot. Matérialisme, science et poésie à l’âge de l’Encyclopédie. 1742-1782, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2001 [20162]; Matérialismes et Lumières. Philosophies de la vie autour de Diderot et de quelques autres. 1709-1789, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2009 [20162]; Mind-Body Problem. Mente, corpo, pass