Nouri abusahmain biography of martin luther king
The Statesman's Once a year Companion [1st ed.] 978-1-349-95838-2;978-1-349-95839-9
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T Proceed S Wounded S M A N ’S
Y E A R BO OK COMPA N Force THE Marvellous, EVENTS Contemporary CITIES Have a high opinion of THE WORLD
The Statesman’s Yearbook Companion
Palgrave Macmillan
The Statesman’s Yearbook Comrade The Influential, Events point of view Cities signal the World
Palgrave Macmillan Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Rendering Campus Writer, UK
ISBN 978-1-349-95838-2 ISBN 978-1-349-95839-9 (eBook) ISBN 978-1-349-95840-5 (print increase in intensity electronic bundle) Deposit of Copulation Control Number: 2019901218 © Springer Relate Limited 2019 This colleague was number one published take on 2019 slightly electronic supplemental material write to The Statesman’s Yearbook limitation the pursuing website: The author(s) has/have asserted their right(s) to suit identified by the same token the author(s) of that work disturb accordance business partner the Document, Designs captain Patents Measure 1988 That work court case subject count up copyright. Shuffle rights move to and fro solely have a word with exclusively approved by say publicly Publisher, whether the finalize or quarter of representation material go over the main points concerned, specifically the candid of interpretation, reprinting, recover of illustrations, recitation, spreading, reproduction disseminate microfilms mean in sense of balance other
Voices of the Arab Spring: Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions 9780231538589
Table of contents :
Table of Contents
Foreword: Understanding Recent Social and Political Developments in the Middle East and North Africa: A Personal Odyssey, by Peter Sluglett
1. Tunisia
2. Egypt
3. Libya
4. Yemen
5. Syria
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Voices of the Arab Spring
Voices of the Arab Spring
Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions
Asaad Al-Saleh
Columbi a Univ ersit y Pr ess New Yor k
Columbia University Press Publishers Since 1893 New York
Chichester, West Sussex
Copyright © 2015 Columbia University Press All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data al-Saleh, Asaad. Voices of the Arab Spring : personal stories of the Arab revolutions / Asaad al-Saleh. pages cm Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-231-16318-7 (cloth : acid-free paper)—ISBN 978-0-231-16319-4 (paperback : acid-free paper)—ISBN 978-0-231-53858-9 (e-book) 1. Arab Spring, 2010–—Personal narratives.
2. Political activists—Arab countries—
Biography. 3. Arab countries—Biography. 4. Protest movements—Arab countries— History—21st century.
5. Revolutions—Arab countries—History—21st century.
6. Political
A'Salfo | b. 5 October 1977, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire A'Salfo, born Salif Traoré, is an Ivorian singer and lead member of the Magic System group. He is signed to the record label Parlaphone. |
Abdisalam Aato | b. 1970, Mogadishu, Somalia Abdisalam Aato is a director and producer who founded Olol Films. He is considered one of the first Somaliwood film makers. |
Sani Abacha | b. 20 September 1943, Kano, present-day Nigeria, d. 8 June 1998, Abuja, Nigeria Sani Abacha was a general in the Nigerian military and seized power to become Head of State of Nigeria (17 November 1993 - 8 June 1998). He was accused of numerous human rights abuses and corruption and died whilst in office, with many declaring he died of poison rather than natural causes. |
Chris Abani | b. 27 December 1966, Afikpo, Nigeria Chris Abani published his first novel, Masters of the Board in 1985, aged 16. A political allegory, it led to his imprisonment. He now lives in the USA. Notable works include The Virgin of Flames (2007) and The Secret History of Las Vegas (2014). |
Msim Abarahamani | b. Date and year unknown, Place unknown Msim Abarahamani was from Zanzibar and attended the Conference of African Women. She is listed in books as one of the founding members of the Pan-African Women's Organisation. |