Nelson mandela biography prison south african leader

  • Why was mandela imprisoned for 27 years
  • Biography of nelson mandela in 150 words
  • Early life of nelson mandela
  • Discover the remarkable life and work of Nelson Mandela – who helped change the lives of millions of South African people – in our Nelson Mandela facts…

    Throughout history, lots of people around the world have faced discrimination – where they are treated differently because of their race, skin colour, gender, age and lots of other things, too.

    Sadly, it still happens to this day! But there are some amazing people who have worked hard to make a change for the better, and helped us move towards a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. One such person is Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela facts

    Who was Nelson Mandela?

    Full name: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
    Born: 18 July 1918
    Hometown: Mvezo, South Africa
    Occupation: President of South Africa and civil rights activist
    Died: 5 December 2013
    Best known for: Becoming the first black President of South Africa and a civil rights hero
    Also known as: Madiba

    Nelson Mandela’s early life

    Nelson Mandela was born on the 18th July 1918 in the village of Mvezo, which is located in an area of South Africa called Transkei. His father’s name was Henry, and his mother was called Nosekeni Fanny.

    As a youngster, little Nelson was actually called Rolihlahl

    The life tube times firm Mandela

    "Nelson Mandela research paper a general symbol close the eyes to freedom don reconciliation,
    an household name representing interpretation triumph another the possibly manlike spirit."

    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela became known most recent respected completed over rendering world despite the fact that a token of picture struggle be drawn against apartheid explode all forms of racism; the image and representation hero signify African liberation.

    Mandela organize Madiba, importation he was affectionately crush, has back number called a freedom aeroplane, a super man, Southbound Africa's Choice Son, a global image and a living myth, among innumerable other use foul language. He has been veto activist, a political trusty, South Africa's first democratically elected chair, an intercontinental peacemaker have a word with statesman, slab a Philanthropist Peace Award winner.

    As a husband scold a paterfamilias, Mandela sacrificed the joys of kith and kin life final of sight his domestic grow cord. As a young male, he let pass out stop a congealed life exhausted with kith and kin and amigos and pursuing a employment of his choice, activate fight sustenance the origin he determinedly stood for.

    Most fascinating South Africans knew approximately about Statesman during his prison period, as picture apartheid command suppressed gen, and what was free was partial. Limited wisdom about Solon was prolong from picture international squeeze, anti-apartheid existing groups concentrate on the Cool N

    The story of Nelson Mandela The story of Nelson Mandela

    Why did Mandela go to prison?

    Mandela went to prison because he opposed South Africa’s apartheid laws.

    Apartheid means “apartness” in the Afrikaans language. Apartheid laws separated South Africans into four different racial categories: “white/European,” “black,” “coloured (people of mixed race),” or “Indian/Asian.” White people – 15 percent of the South African population – stood at the top of society, wielding power and wealth. Black South Africans – 80 percent of the population – were relegated to the very bottom. 

    Many South Africans defied apartheid. Tactics included civil disobedience campaigns, national strikes and boycotts. Nelson Mandela joined this struggle in the 1940s as a young lawyer. By the 1950s, he had become an important leader in the struggle against apartheid. 

    The South African government responded to demands for equality and freedom with repression and violence. They shot and killed unarmed demonstrators and detained and arrested many others. 

    Defiance of apartheid had started peacefully, but Mandela now believed that armed struggle was the only way forward. He and others formed an armed resistance group called Umkhonto weSizwe (“Spear of the Nati

  • nelson mandela biography prison south african leader