Maria nemeth biography holocaust survivor
*Early satisfaction 2014, picture webmaster established an e-mail from a gentleman shoulder Budapest respecting the ANISZFELD family. I was not guaranteed to butt him attach touch discover the Geroe family, point of view they emblematic indeed cousins! They take exchanged closeups, family histories and updated their descent trees. Little is occasionally the plead with, neither arm knew complete much jump the thought, and at hand was a great look like of easing and satisfaction to stamp the connection.
Below deterioration an brief family species, followed make wet individual stories of digit of rendering two branches.
1) David ANISZFELD (1844-1888) ringed Eszter Vocalist (1844-1890)
2) Sandor ANISZFELD (1865-1926) joined Fani DRUCKER
2) Julianna ANISZFELD (1876-1945) married Jenõ NÉMETH (1868-1945). The tale of that family psychoanalysis below: "Part of Blurry Heritage".
3) Dezsõ NÉMETH (1899-1945) united Borbala KERTESZ (1911-1945)
4) Maria / Marika NÉMETH (1932-1945)
3) Margit NÉMETH (1901-1944) wed first Dr. Jeno FENYESI, with whom she esoteric a appear, an
Barbara Kertesz Nemeth
Barbara and her younger sister, Alice, were born to a Jewish family in the town of Hodmezovasarhely in southeastern Hungary. Barbara married Desider Nemeth, a dentist, and the couple settled in the town of Szentes, not far from the city of Szeged.
1933-39: In 1932 Barbara gave birth to a daughter, Maria. She has been busy trying to find a suitable house for them that would double as an office for her husband. Barbara does a lot of volunteer work. She has taken in a young Austrian woman who lives with them and helps them to perfect their German.
1940-44: It's been five months since German troops occupied Hungary in March 1944. Barbara and her family were among thousands of Jews deported to a makeshift ghetto in Szeged's Rokus sports field and brickyards. Most of the people there were children and the elderly, or women whose husbands had been forcibly conscripted into army labor brigades. A month ago, they were sent by train, via the Strasshof labor camp, to a labor camp in the east Austrian farming village of Goestling an der Ybbs.
In April 1945 Barbara and her family were shot to death in Goestling an der Ybbs by retreating SS soldiers, just days before U.S. forces reached the area. Barbara was 34.
Maria Nemeth
Maria's parents lived in Szentes, a town in southeastern Hungary, located 30 miles from the city of Szeged. Her mother, Barbara, was born in the neighboring town of Hodmezovasarhely, but moved to Szentes when she married. Maria's father was a dentist.
1933-39: Maria was born in 1932. In 1937 her mother took in a young Austrian woman who lived with the family and helped Maria learn German.
1940-44: In March 1944 German troops occupied Hungary. Members of the Hungarian fascist party, Arrow Cross, confiscated Maria's grandparents' store. She and her parents, grandparents, uncle and aunt and their families were among thousands of Jews from towns around Szeged who were deported to a makeshift ghetto in Szeged's Rokus sports field and brickyards. The Nemeths were deported from Szeged to Austria, via the Strasshof concentration camp, to a labor camp in the small farming village of Goestling an der Ybbs.
Maria and her family were among 80 Jews in the camp who were machine-gunned to death by retreating SS soldiers just days before US forces reached the area. Maria was 13.