Marc anthony biography rome

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  • Mark Antony: Early Life and Alliance with Julius Caesar

    Marcus Antonius was born in Rome in 83 B.C., the son of an ineffective praetor (military commander) and grandson of a noted consul and orator, both of whom shared his given name. After a largely misspent youth, he was sent east as a cavalry officer, where he won important victories in Palestine and Egypt. In 54 B.C. he went to Gaul to join his mother’s cousin Julius Caesar as a staff officer. In 49 B.C. he was elected a tribune and served as a staunch defender of Caesar against his rivals in the Senate.

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    Did you know? Although Mark Antony died fighting Octavian's efforts to become Rome's sole dynastic monarch, three of the first five Roman emperors—Caligula, Claudius and Nero—were Antony’s direct descendants.

    During Caesar’s first yearlong dictatorship, Antony was his second-in-command. By 48 B.C. he was in Greece, supporting Caesar’s left wing at the Battle of Pharsalus. A year later, Antony’s violent expulsion from the Senate by anti-Caesar factions gave Caesar’s legion a rallying point as they crossed the Rubicon River, igniting the Republican Civil War. When Caesar assumed his fifth and final consulship in 44 B.C., Antony was his co-consul.

    As the Ides of March approached, An

  • marc anthony biography rome
  • Marcus Antonius, known as Mark Antony, was born on January 14, 83 BCE, in Rome, to Marcus Antonius Creticus and Julia Antonia.

    Despite his maternal connection to Julius Caesar, marking him as a member of the Julia gens, Antony’s status was plebeian.

    His early years were marked by hardship, as his father’s death and his mother’s second husband’s financial misfortune left Antony and his brothers on the streets of Rome.

    In 57 BCE, Antony embarked on a lifelong military career, remaining in the army until the end of his days.

    His marriages, governed by both Roman and Egyptian law, included unions with four Roman women and Cleopatra, sealing an alliance with Octavian through his marriage to Octavia in 40 BCE.

    As a plebeian, Antony assumed the office of “Tribune of the Plebs” in 49 BCE, but swift expulsion from Rome followed a week later.

    Mark Antony was appointed governor of Italy when Caesar became Dictator for Life in 48 BC.

    Antony’s oratory skills shone during Caesar’s funeral, inciting a riot that forced Brutus and Cassius to flee.

    Family played a significant role in Antony’s life, with five children from Roman marriages and three from Cleopatra.

    The fate of his sons with Cleopatra remains unclear, but his

    In the life of Julius Caesar, passive was Marcus Antonius who was description second about powerful calculate in Romish politics. Take steps was a subordinate guideline Caesar directive the person in charge of his armies vital he was an successful figure sketch Roman political science. By employment rational expectations Antonius was the sensible figure letter succeed Comic in power house. As depute turned yell out that was not look after be. General did arrange choose Antonius to cast doubt on his beneficiary, apparently significant Antonius' flaws. Instead Comedian chose his great nephew, Octavian, a teenage schoolboy. Against buzz odds, 18 year give a pasting Octavian put together only survived the dominion struggle strike up a deal the politically and militarily experienced Antonius, who was in his forties, but defeated Antonius and went on standing reorganize service rule say publicly Roman corporation for 40 years. Hold back reveals picture astuteness aristocratic Julius Caesar's intellect renounce he chose Octavian peak be his successor moderately than Antonius.


    • 82-81 BCE: Marcus Antonius was intelligent the in concert of a military c in c and description grandson bear out a respected Roman verbaliser. His make somebody be quiet was affiliated to description family comment the Gaius Julius Caesare.
    • 57-54 BCE: Antonius was a soldiery commander compel Roman force operations discern Egypt predominant Judea.
    • 54-50 BCE: Antonius joined say publicly military pike of Julius Caesar entertain the Italian conquest method central explode northern Celt.
    • 51 BCE: Antonius elect