Lisi harrison biography wikipedia tagalog

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    George Harrison

    English musician and member of the Beatles (1943–2001)

    This article is about the musician. For other people named George Harrison, see George Harrison (disambiguation).

    George Harrison[nb 1] (25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001)[nb 2] was an English musician, singer and songwriter who achieved international fame as the lead guitarist of the Beatles. Sometimes called "the quiet Beatle", Harrison embraced Indian culture and helped broaden the scope of popular music through his incorporation of Indian instrumentation and Hindu-aligned spirituality in the Beatles' work.

    Although most of the band's songs were written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, most Beatles albums from 1965 onwards contained at least two Harrison compositions. His songs for the group include "Taxman", "Within You Without You", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", "Something" and "Here Comes the Sun". Harrison's earliest musical influences included George Formby and Django Reinhardt; subsequent influences were Carl Perkins, Chet Atkins and Chuck Berry. By 1965, he had begun to lead the Beatles into folk rock through his interest in Bob Dylan and the Byrds, and towards Indian classical music through his use of Indian instruments, such as the sitar, which he had becom

    George Harrison

    George Harrison
    Nacimientu12 Arnold Grove[1], 25 de febreru de 1943[2]
    NacionalidáReinu Xuníu
    MuerteLos Angeles[3], 29 de payares de 2001[2] (58 años)
    Causa de la muertecáncanu de pulmón[4]
    Tumor cerebral
    PadreHarold Hargreaves Harrison
    MadreLouise Anne Harrison
    Casáu conPattie Boyd(1966 – div. 1977)[5]
    Olivia Harrison(1978 – 2001)[5]

    Dhani Harrison[6]

    Hermanos/esLouise Harrison
    EstudiosLiverpool Institute High School for Boys(en)
    Dovedale Primary School(en)
    Llingües falaesinglés[7]
    Oficiuguitarrista, cantante, compositor de cantares, actor, horticultor, productor de cine, compositor, cantautor, autobiógrafu, poeta, productor musical, compositor de bandas sonoras(es), actor de cine, guitarrista bajo(es), músicu, artista d'estudiu, multiinstrumentista(es), actor de televisión, direutor de cine
    Trabayos destacaosMy Sweet Lord
    Here Comes the Sun
    Beware of Darkness
    Isn't It a Pity
    All Things Must Pass
    Within You Without You
    I Need You
    What Is Life
    Cheer Down
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  • lisi harrison biography wikipedia tagalog