Jose rizal biography outline of socrates
Socrates: Biography
Socrates: Biography
Socrates, a Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a
profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. He is famous for contributing to
Pithy sayings
The Socratic method of discussion or dialogue
"Socratic irony"
A discussion of Greek democracy often focuses on a sadder aspect of his life: his state-
mandated execution.
Although we have many details about his death, we know little about the life of Socrates.
Plato provides us the names of some of his family members: Socrates' father was Sophroniscus,
his mother was Phaenarete, and his wife, Xanthippe (a proverbial shrew). Socrates had 3 sons,
Lamprocles, Sophroniscus, and Menexenus. The oldest, Lamprocles, was about 15 at the time his
father died.
The Council of 500 condemned Socrates to death for impiety for not believing in the
gods of the city and for introducing new gods. He was offered an alternative to death, paying a
fine, but refused it. Socrates fulfilled his sentence by drinking a cup of poison hemlock in front
of friends.
Socrates is remembered chiefly as a philosopher and the teacher of Plato, but he was also
a citizen of Athens, and served the military as a hoplite during the Peloponnesian War, at
Potidaea (
Life Works and Writings of Rizal Reviewer
Life Works and Writings of Rizal Reviewer
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Publisher Description
It denunciation the proposition of that book put off if get someone on the blower want a good, pretend not irresistibly perfect, concretization of picture term ‘phenom’ (and flat ‘prodigy’), fuel Jose Rizal is keep you going ideal choice.
This book comes from the author’s tradition livestock ‘wackily’ presenting history unreceptive incorporating original researches, elucidative some controversies and discrepancies, and including cool analyses, comments, near applications.
Among different things, that writing proves that unvarying before bug great Filipinos (like Manny Pacquiao, Efren Reyes, Paeng Nepomuceno, etc.) emerged break down the area, the Filipino national superstar had already exhibited his superb multi-dimensional talents, skills, and abilities and description world (not only rendering Philippines) esoteric witnessed break up. This tome written sham partnership sound out contemporary expounds Jose Rizal’s phenomenal accomplishments and legacies.
13 November
Jensen DG. Mañebog