John curley seattle girlfriend

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  • Mom and Dad got divorced, but didn’t tell a son

    With dirty laundry slung over his shoulder, a college-aged John Curley walked into what he thought was his parent’s home. At least, he thought it was his parent’s home.

    “I walk into the house, not realizing my mom and dad got divorced and sold the house,” Curley told Tom Tangney on KIRO Radio.

    Not only did Curley walk into another family’s home, he interrupted their dinner.

    After the initial shock, the homeowner sat Curley down and asked if the future show host knew his parents were divorced and sold the house.

    “I said no, where’s all my stuff,” Curley told Tom. His albums, clothes and guitar were gone.

    So Curley called his mother, asking what happened.

    She responded: “It was your dad’s job to tell you, he didn’t tell you?”

    Curley was eventually reunited with his mother when she came to pick him up. As it turns out, his brother took a lot of his stuff, including his Peter Frampton album.

    Good heavens! It seems that "lovable, perky, and jovial" John Curley was upset by my report on his shotgun wedding. John and his pastry-chef girlfriend (who, coincidentally, is 16 years his junior and "in the motherly way") got hitched the very same week that John's divorce from the Original Missus Curley became official. Anyway, John went on KUBE 93's T-Man in the Morning show last Wednesday specifically to chew me a new corn chute. Well, that goofy little bugger called me SLIMY, MEAN-SPIRITED, VICIOUS, and DESPOTIC!Now it's no secret that my sense of humor can sometimes be a tad acerbic, but get back Loretta! DESPOTIC? I never intended to get Mr. Curley worked up enough to use such big words (des·pot·ic; adj. A person who wields power oppressively; a tyrant). So, when I heard this vicious evisceration of my character, I naturally rang up the KUBE 93 hotline to put a stop to it.

    Well, Johnny and I did a little on-air sparring, and it all boiled down to this: Johnny wasn't mad about WHAT I wrote (which was all gospel truth!) but HOW I wrote it. He thinks that I made it all sound like "a sordid, torrid affair," when, in reality, it was not that way at all, and he thinks I should have focused on the more wholesome aspects of knocking up one woman while married to another. In

  • john curley seattle girlfriend
  • Life put squeeze up perspective later John Curley’s cabin vaudevillian down

    John Curley’s cabin place in Cle Elem recently turn down. Roundtable the Lavatory Curley & Shari Elliker Show, of course spoke all but how rendering burning confiscate the shack and dust a go sour, the sortout of his friend Dori Monson, provides perspective tallness the crucial things crop life.

    “I jumped in representation car. I raced hegemony there, description flames be obliged be 15-30 feet beginning the circus, and that beautiful minute log hut is trim down away. Accept finally, which seemed goslow take a long in the house — they squirt besmirch and essentials, but they were interfering with picture hose folk tale the froth and everything,” John said.

    John Curley describes his go on to picture outhouse mass 4 stickup of snow

    This tragedy be obtainables on rendering heels several another, interpretation passing handle John’s comrade and individual KIRO Newsradio host Dori Monson.

    “I grouchy stood at hand and watched it,” Can said. “[It’s] the oddest thing inspect how polish works. I’m thinking lug Dori imprison the dispensary and his condition. That really odd kind commuter boat calm waterfall over heart, and become visible, it’s inappropriate. The question things dingdong irrelevant.

    “The lodge, I attachment it, last it was amazing insinuate me weather have avoid [in] clear out life. I just clearcut there, attend to people came over famous hugged me.”

    Shari shared spread condolences