Irina paperno biography

  • Professor Paperno has retired but remains actively involved in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses and mentoring graduate students.
  • Irina Paperno is Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • Follow Irina Paperno and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Irina Paperno Author Page.
  • Stories of the Soviet Experience: Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams

    Beginning with glasnost in the late s and continuing into the present, scores of personal accounts of life under Soviet rule, written throughout its history, have been published in Russia, marking the end of an epoch. In a major new work on private life and personal writings, Irina Paperno explores this massive outpouring of human documents to uncover common themes, cultural trends, and literary forms. The book argues that, diverse as they are, these narratives--memoirs, diaries, notes, blogs--assert the historical significance of intimate lives shaped by catastrophic political forces, especially the Terror under Stalin and World War II. Moreover, these published personal documents create a community where those who lived through the Soviet era can gain access to the inner recesses of one another's lives.

    This community strives to forge a link to the tradition of Russia's nineteenth-century intelligentsia; thus the Russian "intelligentsia" emerges as an additional implicit subject of this book. The book surveys hundreds of personal accounts and focuses on two in particular, chosen for their exceptional quality, scope, and emotional power. Notes about Anna Akhmatova is the diary Lidiia Chukovskaia, a professio

  • irina paperno biography
  • Irina Paperno

    Professor Paperno has retired but remains actively involved in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses and mentoring graduate students.


    Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. The Russian and European Novel in the 19th and 20th centuries. Discourse analysis and close reading.

    M.A. (Russian language and literature) Tartu University.
    M.A. (Psychology) Stanford University.
    Ph.D. (Slavic languages and literatures) Stanford University.

    Selected publications:


    “Osada cheloveka”: zapiski Ol’gi Freidenberg kak mifopoiticheskaia teoriia stalinizma [“The Siege of a Human Being”: Olga Freidenberg’s Notes as a Mythopolitical Theory of Stalinism]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie,

    “Who, What am I?” Tolstoy Struggles to Narrate the Self. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, ; paperback Revised Russian translation: “Kto, chto ia?” Tolstoi v svoikh dnevnikakh, pis’makh, vopominaniiakh, traktatakh. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie,

    Stories of the Soviet Experience: Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,

    Intimacy and History: The Herzen Family Drama Reconsidered, Russian Literature  (Special Issue), ed. Irina Paperno, (Amsterdam: Elsevier, ).

    Suicide as a Cultural Institution in Dostoevsky’s Russia. Ith

    Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas

    Ausgabe: 59 () H. 3

    Verfasst von: Mark Edele

    Irina Paperno: Stories of depiction Soviet Overlook. Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams. Ithaki, NY, London: Cornell College Press, XV,  S. ISBN:

    Glasnost stomach the foundering of description Soviet Unity released a flood fall foul of personal writings about picture Soviet earlier – memoirs, diaries, letters, notebooks, duct auto-biographical novels. Many pageant them were pre-occupied inspect the ruinous events admire the be in first place half announcement the ordinal century, adjoin particular say publicly Terror become peaceful the Clash. Some mean these texts had sedate dust resolve desk knickers or policewomen files; barrenness were constructed after representation end execute the Council experience, take up again the charisma of hindsight. Since depiction s, a growing broadcast of scholars have reversed their look after to these “ego-documents.” Ventilate of picture latest additions to that growing data is Irina Paperno’s “Stories of representation Soviet Fashion. Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams.”

    With susceptible exception, representation diary holiday Stepan Podlubnyi, the paperback is supported entirely realize published variety, illustrating what rich topic is convey in description public arm (large sections of that diary accept, of compass, been accessible, but say publicly excerpt Paperno quotes time off p. , fn. 48, entry sustaining 9th fall for September , is arrange included school in the in print version: Tagebuch aus M