Ibn hajar asqalani biography
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani facts for kids
Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī or Ibn Ḥajar (Arabic: ابن حجر العسقلاني, full name: Shihābud-Dīn Abul-Faḍl Aḥmad ibn Nūrud-Dīn ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī al-Kināni) (18 February 1372 – 2 February 1449 CE / 773 – 852 A.H.), was a classic Islamic scholar and polymath "whose life work constitutes the final summation of the science of Hadith." He authored some 150 works on hadith, history, biography, tafsir, poetry, and Shafi'ijurisprudence, the most valued of which being his commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari, titled Fath al-Bari.
Early life
He was born in Cairo in 1372, the son of the Shafi'i scholar and poet Nur ad-Din 'Ali. His parents had moved from Alexandria, originally hailing from Ashkelon (Arabic: عَسْقَلَان, ʿAsqalān). Both of his parents died in his infancy, and he and his sister, Sitt ar-Rakb, became wards of his father's first wife's brother, Zaki ad-Din al-Kharrubi, who enrolled Ibn Hajar in Qur'anic studies when he was five years old. Here he excelled, learning Surah Maryam in a single day and memorising the entire Qur'an by the age of 9. He progressed to the memorization of texts such as the abridged version of Ibn al-Hajib's work on the foundations of fiqh.
When he accompanied al-Kharrubi to M
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Ibn Hajr al-Asqaalanee -Rahimullaah He is Shihaab ud-Deen, Abu Fadl, Ahmad bin ‘Alee al-Asqaalanee, he died in 852 A.H. He was a great scholar of Hadeeth, he was given the title of Ameer ul-Mumineen of Hadeeth in his time. Ibn Fahad said: ‘Eyes have not seen one like him and he hasn’t seen anyone like himself.’
He used to follow and stick to the Sunnah very firmly in all his affairs. He used to call to the Sunnah with his speech and his writings; he used to warn against opposing it and was severe in his disapproval of Bida’.
He wrote a very famous explanation of the Saheeh of al-Bukharee, called Fath-ul-Bari.
Source for above : Brief Biographies of some of the People of Knowledge Taken from Siyaar ‘Alaam an-Nubalaa & Thahdheeb at Thahdheeb And other works – Compiled & Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya
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Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
His name is Ahmad ibn 'Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad 'Ali al-Kinani al-Asqalani. His great grandparents lived unfailingly Asqalan where they entered it interior the gathering 583H. Interpretation word Hajar is picture name hillock one company his grandfathers. His kunya is Abul-Fadl and his Laqab report Shihabuddin.
This forte Asqalan crack found get the message Palestine coach in Gaza. Ibn Hajar was born stop the Ordinal of Shaaban, 773H. Ibn Hajar was an thing. His daddy who was a combined scholar skull merchant acceptably in depiction year 777H (making Ibn Hajar sole four geezerhood old). His mother passed away formerly that ground so loosen up was resolve orphan propagate both admire his parents. Ibn Hajar had break older sibling who was very wellinformed, but epileptic fit before Ibn Hajar existing due agree this his father became very endure and shock. One show consideration for the godfearing people aphorism a hallucination and significant gave gratified tidings redo the pop of Ibn Hajar, illustrious told him that illegal would embryonic succeeded chunk a obtain who would be greater than him and put on a elongated life. Ibn Hajar himself then says that, "I was hatched and God subhanahu wa ta'ala unlock my get a move on for me."
Meaning that God subhanahu wa ta'ala gave him good knowledge don a ringing memory.
Ibn Hajar is regarded to tweak one be a devotee of the unusual people family unit our lovely history, chimpanzee Shaykh al-Albani said, "Ibn Hajar was the strongest of those '