Eva braun biography book
Eva Braun: Step with Hitler
Másfelől Hitlerből nem csak az utókor csinált bálványt, hanem a náci propaganda problem. Úgy mutatták be a Führert, billions aki valahol Germánia felett lebeg, áldásosztó és büntető keze folyvást a magasba emelve. Jellemző, amit a házasodását firtató kérdésekre válaszolt: ő nem vehet maga mellé feleséget, mert az ő menyasszonya Németország*. Assistant akárhogy go over the main points nézzük, forefront valami, ami ebbe a képbe nem fér bele. Naná, hogy Eva Braun.
Ki volt ez a nő? Szimpla szerető, apolitikus lélek, egyszerű teremtés, akit Adolf pórázon vonszolt ide-oda, vagy épp bezárt a Berghofba, hogy mindig kéznél legyen? Mekkora befolyása volt Hitlerre, ha v egyáltalán? Mennyit érzékelt a náci ideológiából?
Eva Braun: Life With Hitler - Hardcover
'I want to be a beautiful corpse, I will take poison' Eva Braun,
Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler were together for fourteen years, a relationship that ended only with their marriage and double suicide in Berlin. Braun was obsessed with sport, fashion, photography and films, and seems to have had no real interest in politics. She and Hitler were unmarried and they had no children. And so, at the heart of the Nazi regime there was an odd paradox: the leader of a ferocious dictatorship, himself obsessed with imposing an idea of the 'German family' on an entire nation, who chose to spend much of his adult life with a woman 23 years younger than himself in a way that was unideological and bohemian.
So who was Eva Braun? Heike G�rtemaker's highly praised new book is the first to take Braun's role in the Nazi hierarchy seriously. It uses her to throw fascinating light on a regime that prided itself on its harsh, coherent and unsentimental ideology, but which was in practice a chaos of competing individuals fighting for space around the overwhelmingly dominant figure of Hitler. Braun had a special place 'at court'. She was both marginal and exceptional: a
The Lost Life of Eva Braun
How did a 19 year-old, middle-class, Catholic girl from Munich become Hitler's mistress and what kept him faithful until the end of their lives? Was her appeal sexual, domestic, political - or did he really love her? This biography of Eva Braun is the first in English for 40 years. Angela Lambert has dug deep into Eva's background and brought into sharp focus a fascinating and unexpected relationship, hitherto neglected by male historians. There are more than biographies of Hitler, yet this is the first thorough study of Eva Braun, his secret mistress. Using never before seen family papers and interviews with her surviving cousin.