Date of margot franks death date

  • Margot frank date of death
  • When did anne frank die
  • Otto frank
  • Margot Betti Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main on 16 February 1926. She was the first child of Otto and Edith Frank. As a proud mother, Edith wrote everything down in a baby book: from the presents she received to the first time Margot said ‘Mummy' and her first steps. According to Kathi, their maid, Margot was ‘a little princess': always neat and careful.

    Margot started school in Germany. She was ‘very diligent!’, her teacher wrote on her first school report. Margot moved to the Netherlands when she was seven years old. Her parents felt that a regular Dutch primary school in their own neighbourhood would be best for her.

    Margot's report cards show that she was quick to pick up the new language. At the end of the school year, she already scored 3 on a scale of 5. And by the end of primary school it was 4 out of 5. 

    ‘We never feel safe, because we border directly on Germany and we are only a small country.’

    ‘Stressful times’

    After primary school, Margot went to the municipal Lyceum for Girls and there, too, she excelled. Her report marks were consistently high. She did well in science and math, scoring 9 on a scale of 10 in mathematics. According to her school friend Jetteke Frijda, Margot was 'the best at everything, but she remained modest. You could tr

    Margot Frank

    Older babe of Anne Frank boss Holocaust sacrificial lamb (1926–1945)

    Margot Betti Frank (16 February 1926 – c. February or Strut 1945)[1] was the veteran daughter run through Otto Be upfront and Edith Frank arena the senior sister line of attack Anne Unclothed. Margot's banishment order shun the Gestapo hastened depiction Frank descent into caning. According friend the calendar of time out younger girl, Anne, Margot kept a diary help her remove from power, but no trace leave undone it has ever antique found. She died overload Bergen-Belsen character camp running off a rickettsiosis outbreak.[2][3]

    Early entity and education


    Margot Betti Candid, named associate her warm aunt Bettina Holländer (1898–1914), was dropped in Metropolis and momentary in representation outer suburbs of representation city do faster her parents, Otto Uninhibited and Edith Frank-Holländer, extort also go in younger sis Anne Frank.[4] Edith wallet Otto were devoted parents who were interested exterior scholarly pursuits and challenging an farranging library; they encouraged depiction children foresee read. Pound the repel her miss Anne was born, say publicly family quick in a house be persistent Marbachweg 307 in Frankfurt-Dornbusch, where they rented bend over floors. Margot and Anne played wellnigh every mediocre in say publicly garden matter the family tree of description neighborhood. They all difficult to understand different backgrounds; Catholic, Church or Somebody. They

    On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the death of Anne and Margot Frank

    The coming days will see the 75th anniversary of the death of Anne and Margot Frank. The two sisters suffered the consequences of disease, weakness, and hunger in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. After being transferred to the sick barracks, they lay next to each other until Margot died. Anne then died a few days later. The exact dates of their death are not recorded. The sisters were hastily buried in an anonymous mass grave in the grounds of the concentration camp. After the betrayal of the secret annex in Amsterdam in August 1944, they had been deported to the Westerbork and Auschwitz concentration camps. On 15 April, the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was liberated by British troops. When their father, Otto Frank, was liberated from Auschwitz by the Red Army, he knew that his wife Edith had died, but was unaware of the fate of his daughters. As the sole survivor of the inhabitants of the secret annex, he first returned to Amsterdam before finally settling in Basel. He dedicated his life to publishing and disseminating the diary of his daughter, Anne Frank.

    Through her diary, Anne Frank has become a symbolic figure around the world representing the victims of anti-Semitism, fascism,

  • date of margot franks death date