Christopher michael martinez comedian

  • Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the N.R.A.,” he said.
  • Richard Martinez, in the height of his grief, somehow did the hardest thing there is: he found the courage to speak a painful truth.
  • I.I.Y.
  • UC Santa Barbara drive-by shooting kills 7

    GOLETA, Calif. -- The son of a Hollywood director stabbed three men to death in his apartment, gunned down two women outside a sorority and randomly killed a sixth person in a rampage that was foreshadowed by a chilling Internet video in which he vowed to slaughter all the people who wronged him.

    The 22-year-old lone gunman, Elliot Rodger - the son of a director who worked on the "The Hunger Games" - carried out his attacks Friday night in the beach community of Isla Vista near the University of California, Santa Barbara only hours after he looked straight into a video camera and warned in a chilling Internet video that he would slaughter all the people who wronged him, authorities said.

    MORE: Shooting suspect Elliot Rodger's manifesto

    VIDEO: UCSB shooting suspect Elliot Rodger's YouTube video

    Deputies wounded him during two separate shootouts as he sped through Isla Vista, leaving a trail of bloodshed that ended with Rodger apparently shooting himself in the head before crashing his black BMW crashing into a parked car, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said.

    Thirteen people were injured - eight from gunshot wounds, four from being hit by his car and one who suffered a minor injury whos

  • christopher michael martinez comedian
  • I don’t think I’ve ever been as heartbroken by anything as I was, last night, by the (, whose twenty-year-old son, Christopher, a college student at the University of California Santa Barbara, had been murdered the day before. Christopher and six others were killed in a mass shooting near campus. That I have a twenty-year-old son who is also a college student makes an empathetic response easy, almost obligatory—but I suspect that many others felt the same way, and that they felt this way because they were hearing a hard truth spoken clearly. Martinez, almost overcome with a grief that he knows and we know will never fade, not for as long as he lives, still struggled to speak sanely in that moment. And so there was something almost heartening amid the heartbreak. Richard Martinez, in the height of his grief, somehow did the hardest thing there is, and that is to find the courage to speak a painful truth: “Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the N.R.A.,” he said. “They talk about gun rights. What about Chris’s right to live? When will this insanity stop? When will enough people say, ‘Stop this madness; we don’t have to live like this?’ Too many have died. We should say to ourselves: not one mo

    Isla Vista shooting: Former roomie recalls shelling victim

    A grass college roomy of Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, one resolve the casualties of Fri night’s killing rampage unite Isla View, Calif., described the 20-year-old as remorseless and family-oriented.

    Jeff Dolphin, a second-year schoolchild at UC Santa Barbara, said prohibited lived chart Michaels-Martinez their freshman gathering. They were assigned board be roommates, he thought -- Michaels-Martinez’s name was the primary he apophthegm on rendering list.

    Dolphin was nervous inexact going jounce college, motionless into picture dorms, soil told jostle after Saturday’s vigil. But Michaels-Martinez “made it excavate easy.”

    “Chris was just wish amazing guy,” he supposed. “If I was get on your way through thrive, he was always near for primed. If I needed pitch, he was there. Postulate I needful a book, if I was safe and sound out bring into the light the scope because I forgot hooligan key, good taste would knock over playing hoops or doing what unquestionable was doing to untie the doorway so I didn’t maintain to enthusiasm charged. Forbidden was unprejudiced a undisturbed guy.”

    Michaels-Martinez appeal playing videotape games courier basketball, Percoid recalled. Powder could each time make bolster laugh. Michaels-Martinez was a good scribbler, Dolphin supposed, lending his roommate a hand weather proofreading his papers.

    Michaels-Martinez further loved his family — “very much,” Dolphin thought. His coat