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Open letter from people in the United States to people all over the world
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It is a troubled time. The drums of war, already loud, are daily being amplified by the megaphones of modern media. The U.S. government is adopting a doctrine of “pre-emptive war.” There are large numbers of people in the United States who do not agree. We want to extend our hands to people all over the world to work together for peace, justice, economic equity, and environmental sanity. The United States government is, sadly, behaving like a global bully – a role that alarms us greatly because of the threat of war and the destruction that it may rain down on children who have too long suffered for the fights of their fathers. It also increases the risks of terrorism here and all over the world because it is likely to further inflame angry passions, which are already too high. Our goal is to seek peaceful resolution of conflicts. We also want to strengthen international institutions so that they can accomplish that goal. The United States, against its own best traditions, is undermining the rule of law internationally by trying to muscle other countries as well as the United Nations to bend to its will by threatening the unilateral use of force. We have