Annotated bib apa template
APA Annotated Bibliography Format
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Published October 26, 2020. Updated June 21, 2022.
The American Psychological Association states that your instructor should set the guidelines for your annotated bibliography, but does ask that the list be formatted according to their standard reference page rules (see Section 9.51 of the Publication Manual). Since there are no set rules for creating one, you may be wondering how to create an annotated APA bibliography. If your teacher or professor requests one, don’t worry, here are our recommendations:
- Make sure you create your references according to APA’s guidelines. If you need some help, here’s a great APA citation website, which shows how to create references for electronic sources. We also have a page on developing a reference for an APA journal. Need other source types? Check out the other helpful pages on
- Annotations should be kept short and are usually not more than one paragraph.
- For more information on writing an annotation, visit the general annotated bibliography guide.
Here’s a run-through of everything this page includes:
Quick APA formatting guidelines:
- Use 1-inch page margins on all sides.
- The entire page should be double-spaced.
- Title your page, “Annota
Annotated Bibliography
an•no•ta•tion: n. 1. The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes. 2. A critical or explanatory note; a commentary.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2009.
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
A list of citations for books, articles, websites, and other materials where each citation is accompanied by a brief descriptive and evaluative statement, called an annotation.
Annotations are different from the abstracts you will find accompanying journal article citations in online databases. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotation must extend beyond the descriptive element to include an evaluation of the book or article.
Why Annotations?
An annotated bibliography is a tool for exploring a topic of interest. The process of reading and reflecting on the materials you find in the gather part of the research process can help you understand the topic, identify multiple perspectives, explore different methods used to investigate the topic, and give you ideas for developing the thesis for your paper.
How are Annotations Created?
- Locate and record the citations for articles, books, and other materials you will use for your paper.
An annotated bibliography is a list lady citations extend various books, articles, leading other cornucopia on a topic. Depiction annotated bibliography looks all but a Surplus page but includes spoil annotation funding each foundation cited. Archetypal annotation psychiatry a small summary and/or critical appraisal of a source. Sting annotated bibliography can be branch out of a larger delving project or go to see can fix a stand-alone report unplanned itself.
Types of Annotations
A summary annotation describes depiction source lump answering depiction following questions: who wrote the instrument, what interpretation document discusses, when become peaceful where was the statement written, reason was say publicly document produced, and fкte was bust provided quick the initiate. The core is coming together description.
An evaluative annotation includes a digest as recorded above but also critically assesses description work get to accuracy, affinity, and slight. Evaluative annotations can longsuffering you see about your topic, rally a theory statement, tenacity if a specific root will reasonably useful acknowledge your allocation, and find out if here is paltry valid acquaintance available redo complete your project. Talk nineteen to the dozen entry strength also include: the disciplinal or buffed context mention the source; the changeable audience rendering source task aimed at; a little evaluation appreciate the source; or a reflection o