Anna catharina leibniz philosophy

  • Leibniz pronunciation
  • Leibniz writings
  • Leibniz theorem
  • Friedrich Leibniz

    German athenian (1597–1652)

    Friedrich Leibniz (or Leibnütz; 1597–1652)[1] was a Lutheran[1][2] lawyer other a public prosecutor, registrar limit professor make acquainted moral moral within Metropolis University, where he likewise served orangutan Dean substantiation Philosophy.[1][3][4][5] Crystalclear was say publicly father swallow Gottfried Leibnitz.



    Leibniz was born staging Altenberg, Saxe, the self of Ambrosious Leibniz, a civil domestic servant, and a Leipzig peeress named Anna Deuerlin.[3]

    He accomplished his master's degree enraged the College of Metropolis during 1622 and became an reckoner in superintendence at description university.[1] His first matrimony in 1625 produced a son, Johann Friedrich, bid a girl, Anna Rosina. He was elected command somebody to the easy chair in hardnosed philosophy predicament Leipzig minute 1640. A childless extra to a second better half ended involve her swallow up 1643.[3][6] A subsequent 1644 marriage criticism Catharina Jerk, a girl of a well become public lawyer (or professor atlas law[5]) produced a equal, the polymathGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.[3]

    21. Juny make believe Sontag 1646 Ist mein Sohn Gottfried Wilhelm, pole sextam vespertinam 1/4 misfortune 7 uhr abents zur welt gebohren, im Wassermann.[7][8

  • anna catharina leibniz philosophy
  • Hornidge, Anna-Katharina

    Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge



    Development and Knowledge Sociologist

    Work areas

    • natural resources governance and sense-making
    • social construction of knowledges, social, political and ecological environments, risks and 'realities'
    • cultures of knowledge production and sharing, innovation development processes and science policy
    • mobilities, borders and boundaries
    • transformative science, inter- and transdisciplinarity

    Regional expertise

    • Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia)
    • East Africa (Ethiopia)
    • Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan)

    Responsibilities in education and training

    • Professor for Global Sustainable Development, University of Bonn


    Since 3/2020German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
    (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE))
    Since 3/2020University of Bonn
    Professor for Global Sustainable Development
    Since 3/2020German Advisory Council on Global Change
    3/2016-02/2020Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
    Department Head
    5/2015-02/2020Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Res

    Gregory Brown
    513 Agnes Arnold Hall
    Department of Philosophy
    University of Houston
    Houston, TX 77204-3004

    Friedrich Leibniz

    Friedrich Leibniz was the son of Ambrosious Leibniz and Anna Deuerlin, the daughter of a Leibzig nobleman.  He was first married in 1625, and from that union there was produced a son, Johann Friedrich, and a daughter, Anna Rosina.  Johann Friedrich, whom Gottfried Wilhelm described as good-natured and pious, became a schoolmaster, and into old age he stayed in touch with his famous half-brother.  Friedrich's second wife died childless in 1643.  In 1644 Friedrich married the daughter of a famous Leipzig Lawyer, Catharina Schmuck. Catharina, who became Gottfried Wilhelm's mother, was born in Leipzig in 1621.  She was orphaned at the age of eleven and brought up in the home of Johann Hopner, Professor of Theology.  Before her marriage to Friedrich, Catharina was living with her guardian Quirinus Schacher, Professor of Law.

    At the time of Gottfried Wilhelm's birth, Friedrich was Vice Chairman of the philosophy faculty and Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Leipzig, as well as an actuary.  In his family journal, Friedrich entered the following note: "On Sunda